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Greenpoint Williamsburg Further on the L Queens

Apartment Rental Details Nice 3 Bedroom Apartment on Glendale
Myrtle Ave | 61st Street, Queens

3 bedroom 1st floor apartment with a bonus room and a back yard. Available from February 1st. Hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, central AC, European windows, oversized shower, closet in every bedroom plus a big custom closet on the hallway. Tenant pays for electricity only.
Location:Myrtle Ave | 61st Street
City, State:Queens
Size:800 sq ft
Rooms:3 bedrooms, living room, bonus room (sunroom)
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Apartment hunting 101 So you’ve found the perfect place. You’ve checked everything out and the place is sound, there’s enough hot water, it’s in a great location and you know this is it. Now you’ve got to secure the apartment! The following outlines some steps to take to make sure that the perfect place that you’ve found ends up being YOUR perfect place.

1) Be ready to put some money down and the paper work can get started.
Most companies will stop showing this apartment until the rental gets finalized.

2) Be ready to supply all the documents requested by the Broker or the Landlord. Any delays may decrease your chances of getting this apartment and your search begins all over again. Good Luck !

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